Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah

At Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah, we, the dedicated members of this close-knit congregation, gather with reverence and devotion to observe the timeless ritual of the mourner’s kaddish. Within the sacred confines of our synagogue, our souls intertwine as we embark on this poignant journey of commemoration and healing. The mourner’s kaddish, an age-old liturgical masterpiece, forms the centerpiece of our communal worship. With every word and intonation, we infuse it with the weight of our collective sorrow and gratitude for the lives we’ve lost. Our voices meld into a harmonious tapestry, a poignant melody that resonates through the chamber, bridging the earthly and divine realms. In the embrace of Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah, the mourner’s kaddish becomes more than a prayer; it is the heartbeat of our shared grief and our unwavering faith. Through this solemn ritual, we find solace, support, and an enduring bond that strengthens us in the face of loss.

40 East 13th Street, Lakewood, NJ,8701, United States